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Disease Presentation

I did this presentation about disease as a final project. Me and my friends help each other to do research about this topic. I learned a lot more about the history, epidemiology, pathology, and treatment of it. Scientists believe that HIV/AIDS spread from chimppanzees. The SIV disease attack the immune system of chimpanzees which very similar to the HIV. In 1997, the HAART reduces that death rate of HIV. There are many myths about HIV which are people can't infected HIV through the actual contact like hand shaking, hugging or even kissing. It only spread through the sexual contact like having unprotected sex with people who infected HIV.

This project related to innovative thinkers because we apply what we learned from researching on the internet to create a presentation for others to study and understand. I chose to do about HIV/AIDS because it is a common disease that almost happened in every country and the are many misunderstanding about HIV/AIDS.

Petch's Portfolio​

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